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Randleman, NC 27317

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Puppy and Kitten Care

dvm (28)It is important that your puppy or kitten is as healthy as possible from the beginning.

Each puppy should receive a few core vaccines (starting around 6-8 weeks of age) to prevent diseases which can be life threatening: multiple Distemper-Parvo (DA2PP) vaccines are usually recommended, and one Rabies vaccine at about 16 weeks of age. Other vaccines may be recommended if your pet is around other pets, travels with you, goes to dog parks, or stays at boarding facilities, etc. These vaccines include Bordetella (Kennel Cough), Coronavirus, Leptosporosis, Rattlesnake vaccine, Dental vaccine, and the Giardia vaccine. Talk to your pet’s veterinarian about your pet’s lifestyle so they may recommend the vaccines your pet needs to stay healthy.

All kittens should be tested for Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) as soon as they are adopted. Sometimes they may require more than one test in the first year of their life. Kittens also need a few core vaccines, starting around 6-8 weeks of age. These may include: Rabies vaccine, multiple Feline Upper Respiratory vaccines (FVRCP), Feline Leukemia vaccines (FeLV), and Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

Both puppies and kittens should also be dewormed. This involves a simple injection or oral medication, sometimes multiple times, in order to break the parasite’s life cycle.

Because not all types of gastrointestinal (GI) parasites will be destroyed by deworming medication, it is also important to test your pet’s stool to ensure no other parasites exist. Some GI parasites (like Roundworms) are contagious to humans. A quick and easy fecal exam can protect your pets and your family.

Flea and tick medication is an important part of keeping your pet healthy. Fleas and ticks can carry parasites that can make your puppy or kitten very sick. It is easy to protect them with monthly flea and tick prevention.

Heartworm prevention comes in an easy to give chewable treat, or a quick squirt on the back. Protecting your pet from a life threatening disease has never been so simple!

Ask your pet’s veterinarian about how the right nutrition can help to keep your pet healthy!

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